Check out what you may have missed at ENGINEER & MARVEX 2022!
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It's a first and it's a wrap!
After 4 days, we hope you’ve managed to forge valuable collaborations and experience state-of-the-art and award-winning products and technologies at ENGINEER & MARVEX!
Thank you to IEM and MACRA, all our Exhibitors, Sponsors and Partners. We hope to see you next year from 6-9 Sep 2023!
Happenings at ENGINEER & MARVEX!
Relive the big moments
- 16 Mar (Day 1)
- 17 Mar (Day 2)
- 18 Mar (Day 3)
- 19 Mar (Day 4)
Door Opens Today!
ENGINEER and MARVEX 2022 have arrived to take you into the future of technology!
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For the first time, here’s a dedicated platform that aims to reboot and rebuild the industry. Digitalisation has accelerated over the past two years, necessitating immediate adaption to stay relevant. Be here to experience the new products that are set to revolutionise our lifestyle. Get tips that will transform your mindset and enhance your knowledge of current industry issues and challenges, as the fraternity comes together for the first time. Enjoy the opportunity to connect with the big brands and the big brains of the industry. Forge collaborations and leverage on partnerships that will reboot and reenergise the economy.
Featured Product: ActivePure
Looking for a technology that's just so out-of-this-world, that it can kill COVID-19 in just minutes?
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Well, look no further than Agrow Healthcare’s Aerus Pure and Clean, which was derived from NASA’s design to create air purifiers that eliminate the Covid virus in the air and on surfaces. During their debut at MARVEX 2022, the booth was a lively scene with visitors breathing a sigh of relief knowing they are safe thanks to the ActivePure® Technology.
The Aerus Pure and Clean surface and air purification system was placed in strategic locations within the MARVEX 2022 & ENGINEER 2022 venue to keep visitors safe. Agrow Corporation’s General Manager, Mohd Azman Ismail said that he is proud to be part of the MARVEX 2022 & ENGINEER 2022 exhibition. He further elaborates “As we have heard many events being cancelled due to rising covid outbreak concerns, we stepped in to offer to sponsor our products for the exhibition. We believe in our product and we are glad to give people the peace of mind in attending the exhibition as the Air Purification Technology Partner”.
He also commented that this exhibition offered the opportunity to showcase Aerus Pure and Clean which is well-recognised in the United States. He shared this event allowed them to showcase their superior technology and provide demonstrations directly to their target customers to create an everlasting impression. He hopes to return to MARVEX 2023 & ENGINEER 2023 with a bigger booth to take their business to the next level.
1 ‘Log Reductions’ convey how effective a product is at reducing pathogens. The greater the log reduction, the more effective the product is at killing bacteria and other pathogens that can cause infections. A 1 log reduction means reducing something by 9 times, a 2 log reduction means reducing something by 99 times, a 3 log reduction means reducing something by 999 times or 99.9%, etc.
2 https://www.spacefoundation.org/what-we-do/space-technology-hall-of-fame/
The road to futuristic Electric Vehicle (EV) technology!
BMW: Purveyor of the Technologies of the Future
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BMW – STAND 6Y161,6H138 | ROW – FOYER,P1
Created for electric mobility, the fully electric BMW iX marks a major step in BMW Group’s transformation towards a global share of fully-electric vehicle sales in 2030. Discover the high-voltage battery with the very latest battery cell technology that charges from 10% to 80% in just 35 minutes!
Immerse in the luxury and get a feel of the next generation technology of EV that is making transportation greener, highly integrated and efficient in ENGINEER!
“We are very excited to showcase our new BMW iX at ENGINEER & MARVEX 2022, and this is the first time it has been shown in a non-BMW event. As part of BMW’s drive towards supporting sustainability initiatives, the iX is the next generation of electric vehicles that is built using several components made from PET that can be recycled. Thus, these components will have a second life.
The ENGINEER Power Talk has also provided us with the opportunity to share the innovative technologies of BMW and the future of premium vehicles in the next 10 to 20 years. ENGINEER & MARVEX 2022 allowed us to share not only the engineering behind our vehicles, but also the stories behind them.
The future of vehicles is bright. I believe the cars of the future will be a part of the circular economy, using secondary materials in a very continuous way. They will be derived from renewable and responsible technologies that are safe and very futuristic as well. BMW will continue to be purveyors of the technologies of the future.”
Sashi Ambi, Head of Corporate Communications & Sustainability at BMW Group Malaysia
Engineer 2022: Building a Brighter Future Through Technology and Talents
Engineer 2022: Building a Brighter Future Through Technology and Talents
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It is wonderful to be in a place where engineering experts can congregate. To have such a great reception of the first ever engineering exhibition is not only unprecedented but a welcomed surprise. This event is the beginning of the many important conversations we need to have to build a better future together. We look forward to not only bringing together local industry experts but to also connect internationally.
During the pandemic, engineering activities across the board were at a standstill. As a result, the impact to the economy was notably disastrous. However, I am optimistic with the exhibition which is positioned as a statement to the world that Malaysia is ready to regain its glory days. Engineering is the backbone of Malaysia’s most crucial economic sectors such as agriculture, aviation, construction, manufacturing and more. This is why this exhibition is crucial. ENGINEER 2022 is geared to show the world that Malaysia has the technology and talent pool to build a better and brighter future.
“Malaysia has always been seen as a country with an engineering mind. Our thought leadership in technological innovation has always been internationally recognised. ENGINEER 2022 is a statement to the world that we are ready to come back and show the world what we are capable of”
“Adoption of automation and green technology has become a necessity in today’s world. Many people worry that automation will put them out of jobs. However, Malaysia is steadily growing its workforce to take on specialised roles in complex lines of work. This is to prepare them to take on the challenges of the digitalised world. Automation presents an opportunity to increase efficiency and productivity. As a result, we can make Malaysia a nation with a higher income group”
Ir. Ong Ching Loon
IEM President
MARVEX 2022: The Coolest Hotspot for ACMV & R Experts
MARVEX 2022: The Coolest Hotspot for ACMV & R Experts
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MARVEX has a special position within the ACMV & R industry. Here you will find the most relevant air condition systems to meet your needs.
Heat, ventilation, air conditioning, refrigeration industry players need to come in to showcase what you’ve got! Not only about your product but being part of a multi-billion-dollar industry. Being here allows you to have greater opportunity to gain more returns for your company.
When asked about the future of innovation in the ACMV & R industry, Mr Peter commented that the recent pandemic resulted in the acceleration and transformation of market demand. He further elaborates “In the ACMV & R industry, you will realise the need for better indoor air quality, a better servicing and maintenance of your system, and understanding that air cond is no longer a lifestyle but it is an essential product that you need”.
“As a developing country, we have the opportunity to look beyond dollars and cents but also fulfil our responsibility towards the environment. Easy accessibility to information by consumers resulted in a growing demand for energy efficient products. As a result, this will spur manufacturers to come up with better products that are more energy efficient. Today, we see more and more demand for zero GWP (Global Warming Potential) refrigerants to reduce the impact on the thinning ozone layers.
Heat, ventilation, air conditioning, refrigeration industry players need to come in. At the moment, it is only the tip of the iceberg of the local market. There are still a lot of players and industry stakeholders that should join this specialised exhibition.”
Peter Tan
MACRA President
Malaysia Air-Conditioning & Refrigeration Association (MACRA)
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“MARVEX 2022 & ENGINEER 2022 allowed me to showcase my business and meet potential customers”
Cheong Chee Meng
Senior Project Manager
Synergism Concept
“Since the pandemic, it has been a challenge to engage and meet new customers. I am glad I participated in ENGINEER 2022 and managed to meet my potential customers face-to-face to demonstrate my products and the value it would bring to their electrical needs”
Ammir Iylia
Sales Manager
Emerson Professional
“I am glad ENGINEER 2022 is the first physical event I attended post the covid restrictions. I have enjoyed experiencing the innovative technologies offered by the participating exhibitioners. It has opened my mind and my network with like-minded industry players.”
Ir. Chong Chee Yen
Aries Engineering Consultant
“It is exciting to see an exhibition of this magnitude since there has been such limitations due to the pandemic in Singapore. Our slogan is ‘We are in business for people’ so I genuinely enjoyed the human interaction.”
Abigail Anthony
Head of Inside Sales
Unico Asia Pacific
“I was pleasantly surprised by the comprehensiveness of the symposium. The information shared was beyond what I was able to research for myself. I definitely found value in attending and look forward to the coming days.”
Ir. Ng Win Siau
ENGINEER and MARVEX Excellence Awards 2022 driven by innovation central to pandemic and environmental sustainability
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For the first time, everyday life-inspiring products stood in the spotlight, as their breakthrough technology were assessed for their creativity and contribution to a greener planet.
The inaugural ENGINEER and MARVEX ACMV&R Excellence Award nominees were judged on several criteria, including energy efficiency, recyclability and ability to reduce waste among others. The competitions’ panel of 7 judges were in awe of the level of creativity and innovation displayed, despite the challenges of the pandemic. The ability of the contestants to analyse the industry’s challenges and seek solutions, particularly with regards to the imminent material shortage plaguing the industry, a result of pandemic-driven supply chain disruptions were inspiring.
“This is the first ever show featuring the engineering and ACMV & R industry, and I firmly believe it will be a leading platform moving forward to spur the industry’s growth,” said Chief Judge Ir. Kok Yen Kwan.
The panel of judges point out that technology is pushing the industry and influencing the type of products displayed. Platforms like ENGINEER and MARVEX create the right infrastructure to boost further growth and encourage healthy competition, a prerequisite to drive innovation.
Factoring in the push for sustainability across the board, the judges unanimously expressed the desire to see more products that contribute to the UN’s 17 SDGs. The products featured were largely focused on pandemic-related challenges, specifically eliminating the spread of Covid-19 virus towards cleaner indoor air quality.
The judges were also motivated by the level of preparedness displayed, and the growth of innovation despite the lockdown, underlining the emphasis on research and development and continuous learning spirit towards the shared benefits of the community, changing lifestyles to embrace the new normal.
On ENGINEER, Ir. Kok expressed hope that there would be a wider variety next year!
RECAP: ASEAN Electrotechnical Symposium
ASEAN Electrotechnical Symposium: Standards Drive Sustainable Development Goals
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ASEAN Electrotechnical Symposium is a biennial event which offers expert insights on the latest electrotechnical standards, technologies, products and services, as well as engineering challenges and opportunities. This year’s theme is ‘Standards Drive Sustainable Development Goals’, in line with the government’s efforts to reach our SDG targets, as part of Malaysia’s commitment to become carbon neutral by 2050.
The event was attended by over 150 participants. Officiated by Suruhanjaya Tenaga’s CEO, Mr. Abdul Razib bin Dawood, the symposium offered an impressive line-up of distinguished speakers from IEM, Suruhanjaya Tenaga, International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC), TNB, SEDA, TEEAM, IET, MPIA. IEM and the Department of Standards Malaysia, which are the key stakeholders in the electrotechnical Industry.
The organisers and industry stakeholders are aware that the development of standards should be driven towards the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Thus, the symposium and exhibition are designed as a platform for everyone in the industry to share knowledge and create opportunities to reach our nation’s ambitious target to have net-zero greenhouse gas emissions.
welcome reception
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For the first time, everyday life-inspiring products stood in the spotlight, as their breakthrough technology were assessed for their creativity and contribution to a greener planet.
The inaugural ENGINEER and MARVEX ACMV&R Excellence Award nominees were judged on several criteria, including energy efficiency, recyclability and ability to reduce waste among others. The competitions’ panel of 7 judges were in awe of the level of creativity and innovation displayed, despite the challenges of the pandemic. The ability of the contestants to analyse the industry’s challenges and seek solutions, particularly with regards to the imminent material shortage plaguing the industry, a result of pandemic-driven supply chain disruptions were inspiring.
“This is the first ever show featuring the engineering and ACMV & R industry, and I firmly believe it will be a leading platform moving forward to spur the industry’s growth,” said Chief Judge Ir. Kok Yen Kwan.
The panel of judges point out that technology is pushing the industry and influencing the type of products displayed. Platforms like ENGINEER and MARVEX create the right infrastructure to boost further growth and encourage healthy competition, a prerequisite to drive innovation.
Factoring in the push for sustainability across the board, the judges unanimously expressed the desire to see more products that contribute to the UN’s 17 SDGs. The products featured were largely focused on pandemic-related challenges, specifically eliminating the spread of Covid-19 virus towards cleaner indoor air quality.
The judges were also motivated by the level of preparedness displayed, and the growth of innovation despite the lockdown, underlining the emphasis on research and development and continuous learning spirit towards the shared benefits of the community, changing lifestyles to embrace the new normal.
On ENGINEER, Ir. Kok expressed hope that there would be a wider variety next year!
ENGINEER & MARVEX gateway to a regional hub for engineering and ACMV&R industry in ASEAN
ENGINEER and MARVEX gateway to a regional hub for engineering and ACMV & R industry in ASEAN
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ENGINEER, an exhibition of IEM convention and MARVEX, an exhibition for the ACMV & R industry, two trade exhibitions representing the infrastructure, construction and ACMV & R industry were launched today by YB Datuk Arthur Joseph Kurup, Deputy Minister of Works who represented YB Dato’ Sri Haji Fadillah Bin Haji Yusof, Senior Minster of Works.
The exhibitions possess the potential to reach a wider audience, driven by the rising relevance and importance of technology and rapid acceleration of growth in the region.
Datuk Arthur emphasised the importance of the construction industry as an enabler of economic growth, triggering the multiplier effect, churning the development cycle through industries like steel, cement, technology, construction equipment, etc.
“Post MCO and as we plan to build back better, the Government aims to implement key projects to boost the economic growth. Recent announcement to implement the Mass Rapid Transit 3 (MRT 3) project as well as expedite the implementation of the Sabah-Sarawak Pan Borneo 3 Highway (LPB) project and the flood mitigation projects will surely bring much welcomed economic opportunities,” he said.
The deputy minister also urged the engineers and industry players to look to East Malaysia especially to the Borneo region, in line with the Government’s commitment to complete phase 1 of the Sabah Pan Borneo Highway within 5 years and the commitment of the Sarawak-Sabah Link Road (SSLR) construction works.
He pointed out that subsequent phases of Pan Borneo Highway in Sarawak and also new roads that are being proposed to link Kalimantan to Sabah and Sarawak such as the Serundung- Simanggaris roads and also the moving of the new Indonesian capital from Jakarta to Kalimantan presents abundance of construction works in East Malaysia for the next few years.
“Therefore, it is imperative for us to leverage on the technological competencies and capabilities of our engineers and also our technocrats in driving our economy and value chain which will drive us to a higher level of productivity and efficiency, and be more globally competitive,” he called on the guests while speaking at the opening ceremony.
Datuk Vincent Lim, President of C.I.S, Joint Organiser of ENGINEER and MARVEX, welcomed the guests, exhilarated that the event had finally come to fruition after a two-year postponement brought on by the pandemic. The expo is the first trade event held in Malaysia post-pandemic. The brainchild of IEM President, Ir. Ong Ching Loon, the event of IEM convention, is intended to be a regional platform, poised as a gateway to engineering business and events in the ASEAN engineering industry.
“We foresee that this platform will take a permanent space in the calendar of all these professionals, traders, specifiers, buyers and exhibitors in the industry. Eventually bringing in international exhibitors as the borders re-open, boosting the economy for business events,” he said.
The ACMV & R industry exhibits tremendous growth potential in the pipeline, resultant of the pandemic and urbanisation, with a forecast growth of USD13.6 billion by 2025. Mr. Peter Tan noted that the natural refrigerant industry in particular was poised for accelerated growth due to the widespread use of air-conditioning.
“The global natural refrigerant industry has a CAGR of 10.8% and is expected to grow from USD1.26 billion in 2019 to USD2.88 billion in 2027,” he explained, adding that these figures were reflective of the large consumer base in the Asia Pacific region.
Mr. Peter is optimistic of the potential of technology growth as new and better ways of doing things come into the foray, such as customised air-cond units with 3D printing technology as well as a potential for plug-and-play air-conds, promoting easier installations.
Speaking at the launch, Ir. Ong describes ENGINEER as a significant event for the engineering community and a platform to elevate the profession and industry, and to present the future of engineering. He noted that with Malaysian Investment Development Authority (MIDA) announced an in-flow of investments to the tune of RM3.65 billion in 2021, signalling investors’ confidence had evidently returned to the nation. Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) represents 68.1% of this total, which is 224.9% higher than the 64.2 billion Ringgit we received in the year 2020.
“This signifies that investor have confidence in Malaysia and the expertise of our engineering professionals and this will further boost our economic recovery from the scars of the global pandemic,” Ir. Ong elaborated.
He also expressed his aspiration that ENGINEER will be a platform to obtain knowledge relevant to career advancement, meet the suppliers of the technologies that caters to the needs of future, and for patron to acquire an in-depth exchange of mind with all the experts in the engineering value chain from upstream to downstream of the industry.
“Hopefully, engineers, engineering technologists and engineering technicians will contribute substantially to the sustainability of our world, accelerate the economic development and continue to narrow down the inequalities in the region,” he said.
congratulations to all the winners of ENGINEER & MARVEX ACMV&R Excellence Award!
Congratulations to the ENGINEER and MARVEX ACMV&R Excellence Award Winners!
The ENGINEER Excellence Award and MARVEX ACMV&R Excellence Award recognises and celebrates outstanding product design and efficiency for a nominated product and/or service from participating exhibitors. A panel of industry-led professionals, attesting to technological capabilities and statutory compliance, will judge all nominations. Winning products and solutions will be available for your viewing and demonstration at ENGINEER and MARVEX.

ENGINEER Excellence Award Winners
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Driving the future of Electric Vehicle (EV) technology
The BMW iX is a fully electric, all-wheel drive vehicle capable of accelerating from 0 to 100km/h in 6.1 seconds. Created for electric mobility and equipped with an intelligent digital assistant, it’s a car you can talk to.
Breathe easy with BubbleO’s 360⁰ protection against bacteria and viruses.
BubbleO offers triple action air purification and chemical-free surface disinfection assuring high quality indoor air, free of airborne diseases. Designed to capture the air with a 360° cylindrical filter, its dual duct blower system effectively distributes clean air in 15 minutes.
World’s smallest plotter, that prints as big as you think
Are you an engineer or construction professional? Get HP Designjet Studio Large Format printer so you can print big, fast and still conserve energy. It’s carbon neutral and with HP Smart App, you can print virtually from anywhere.
Looking for a crimping tool that’s easy on the wrists?
Grab Klauke Micro, the electromechanical crimping tool as versatile as a battery-powered hydraulic tool and as efficient as a manual tool. Simple and safe, it uses only 10% of the force required to operate a manual tool.
A lift as beautiful as a designer art-piece, and as economical as using the microwave.
The SWIFT Home Lifts are designed for homes of 2 to 6 floors. Built on next generation technology, it is space conserving, energy efficient and user friendly.
Get the best protection against overload and short circuits
Tembreak Pro is designed to support the most complex electrical systems with their adaptive capabilities and multi-protection relays. It comes with a pre-trip alarm function for constant monitoring of the load current and a temperature self-monitoring function.

MARVEX ACMV&R Excellence Award Winners
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Here’s an air-purifier that can kill Covid-19 viruses in 3 minutes!
Built on the ActivePure® Technology, Aerus Pure and Clean can destroy viruses and other pathogens that are present in the environment in 3 minutes for an area up to 3,000 sq ft.
Did you know that the air indoors is 5x more polluted than the outdoors?
What you need is AstroCube, the air ventilation system that supplies contaminant-free air from the outdoors and reduces indoor CO2 levels. It lets you control your air quality remotely with a built-in Smart Air App feature.
Keep cool and save the world with Ener-Save
An eco-friendly air-conditioner that saves energy and utilizes a natural, a high efficiency refrigerant that promises zero ozone depletion and a 100-year negligible global warming potential.
An award winning cooler system that is durable and cost effective
Get 30-50% energy savings and a lower operations cost with this oil-free, friction-free cooler, built with an intelligent cloud system. It works silently, promising accuracy in temperature and humidity control.
A futuristic ventilation system that brings you air as crisp as the outdoors!
Experience clean, fresh air with Lossnay by Mitsubishi Electric. This energy efficient ventilation system can capture particles and aerosols smaller than the COVID-19 virus.
Midea chills large spaces for less.
Enjoy maximum chilling capacity at minimum cost with Midea’s Magboost Magnetic Bearing Centrifugal Chiller. Achieve savings from reduced power consumption, oil-free operations and longer lifespan potential. MyHijau Certified.
Air-conds are warming up the world, but this one won’t
Evo Air, the world’s first hybrid, eco-friendly air-conditioning system, not only cools indoors, but releases cooler, moisturised air into the environment, improving humidity levels.
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What if you could heat up water from just the ambient air? Waterco Electroheat Hot Water System (HWS) brings you the future of water heating. Utilizing the latest in technology, it extracts latent heat from the surrounding air, intensifies it and transfers the heat to condenser coils. The coils heat up the circulating cold water from the water tank.
Featured Product: AAF
AAF banks on MARVEX to showcase its pathogen-free, clean air technology
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AAF – STAND 6G083 | ROW – E
Makers of revolutionary air filtration technology, American Air Filter Manufacturing made its debut at MARVEX 2022, showcasing its space-tech inspired products, AstroCube and AstroFresh.
Both filtration systems are equipped with HEPA filters, coated with antimicrobial agent and boasts the capability of deactivating virus and bacteria, yet harmless to humans and the environment.
According to Yap Chung Han, Executive, Plan & Spec Engineer, AAF International, not many air filtration systems in the market have portable units, especially featuring the technology to bring in fresh, clean, air from the environment. He noted that MARVEX provides a platform to allow potential customers to become aware of the unique features offered by AAF’s AstroCube, designed for use in larger space such as offices, commercial and industrial, while AstroFresh is suitable for residential and lighter use.
“MARVEX helps us socialise with customers, contractors and specifiers, making them aware of our products. Here, we can interact with the audience and educate them on the breakthrough technology available to ensure they are privy to clean, fresh, pathogen-free air,” Yap said.
He believes MARVEX plays a key role in enhancing knowledge and bringing to the forefront the various technological advancement that have been created to help people combat the effects of the pandemic, overcome the virus and return to normalcy.
Featured Product: Airegard
Airegard builds connections and creates potential supply networks at MARVEX
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After a two-year slowdown in economic activity, AireGard welcomes the opportunity to reach out to potential customers and industry specifiers at ENGINEER and MARVEX.
Speaking from AireGard’s state-of-the art presence at MARVEX, exhibiting its cutting edge technology, Upper Room Clean Air System (URCAS), Damien Kheng, Vice President of Sales noted that the industry had kicked-off to a good start with ENGINEER and MARVEX.
He believed the innovative spirit was rife, and interest in new, life-inspiring technology had spurred the interest of industry specifiers, professionals and various customers seeking solutions to cleaner virus-free indoor air, as a result of the pandemic.
“We have been exhibitors with C.I.S since 2004, and we are very pleased with the response at the very first ENGINEER and MARVEX. C.I.S exhibitions always draw in a good quality crowd, present impeccable set-up and give us industry exposure that is invaluable,” Kheng opined.
He explained that the URCAS is a groundbreaking solution as it was tested against real airborne Covid-19 virus, proving an ability to eliminate it within 30 minutes. URCAS is suitable for use in large spaces, including work spaces, gatherings and malls, especially as the nation transitions into endemicity.
“I’ve waited 2 years since the start of the pandemic to attend an event like this"
“I’ve waited 2 years since the start of the pandemic to attend an event like this. I’m very happy to be able to meet and network with fellow exhibitors, and also speak on stage to inform visitors about Acson’s Precision Air Conditioning (PAC), which provides a conducive ambient environment, as well as constant temperature and humidity conditions for server rooms and electronic equipment. In comparison, normal air conditioning only provides cooling comfort.”
Mayvis Ng Teck Ming,
Acson Malaysia Sales & Service Sdn Bhd
“The benefit of joining this event is not direct, like ‘I sell my product and you buy it’. The benefit comes from expanding our network into the blue ocean to nurture and develop future business opportunities. I appreciate that the organisers, C.I.S and MACRA, have tried really hard to push my product, even though they are not expert in it. Through their proactive initiatives, people who are quite shy and not outgoing will be able to gain opportunities to talk to new people. They have even introduced a few companies to me to do OEM. Everyone wants to save energy because they want to pay cheaper electricity bills, so my product Retrofitblue can help them.”
Andrew Chia Hann Keet,
Ziehl-Abegg SEA Pte Ltd
“I find that this is a very well-organised and well-flowing event. I’m from Australia and this is my first time in Malaysia, so the networking potential here is very extensive and the new opportunities here are exciting. SAN-AIR is natural and safe, and developed based on good science. It’s always good to be using a scientifically proven product that is highly effective against COVID-19, bacteria and mould. You get long-lasting protection and healthy indoor air quality.”
Wayne Midson,
Creating More Awareness about the UN SDGs
Creating More Awareness about the UN SDGs
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The ASEAN Electrotechnical Symposium this year was quite interesting, because we had a hybrid event, which was a good step forward. Last year, we had it as a fully online event. I hope that when we can have it in person again, it will have an even greater impact.
Our symposium is a platform for engineers to come together to network and learn about the latest technologies and exchange information, whether it is about the latest standards or technologies.
This year’s theme is ‘Standards Drive Sustainable Development Goals’, and we are working towards creating more awareness about the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). These goals are very broad, and we hope to complement the government, regulators and enterprises in achieving these goals.
The whole standards system is based on collaboration. It is in this spirit that the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) has embarked on a multi-year World Standards Day journey together with the International Organisation for Standardisation (ISO), showcasing the many ways in which international standards can contribute to the success of the SDGs.
In addition, the IEC is embarking on a ‘Women at IEC’ campaign, which is about gender diversity. We would like to see more women working in science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM). We look forward to more women joining the STEM sector as professionals in the coming years.
As there is a growing interest in the renewable energy sector and improving energy efficiency, this symposium is also an important tool to bring together manufacturers, installers and government bodies, to name just a few, to collaborate to produce initiatives in these areas.
Dennis Chew, Regional Director of IEC
“This exhibition has inspired me with new ideas and provided valuable market trend insights"
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“I am impressed that ENGINEER 2022 covered a wide variety of engineering sectors such as electrical, mechanical and equipment.”
Ir. Wong Koh Sang
Director, Vone Consults Sdn Bhd
“This exhibition has inspired me with new ideas and provided valuable market trend insights. It’s a big deal for us because as we enter into the endemic phase, it’s crucial to be in the know of the latest technology in the market to stay ahead”
“I came to this exhibition to look for better energy efficiency products specifically within the mechanical line. I found this exhibition helpful in finding these products and learning more on what is out there in the market”
Yusran Bin Ariff
Project Manager, Tropicana Corporation Berhad
“Being in the engineering environment and not being able to meet people in the same industry for almost two years, it’s good to come out and socialise with them. While I am doing business development for traffic management, I came to learn more about innovative products that are able to capture sounds from the roads to manage noise pollution to go hand-in-hand with my own products. It has been a fruitful visit to say the least”
“You can do so much being online but it’s when you meet people in person to do business then you can communicate more effectively. I feel the same about product demonstration, it’s crucial to see the product in person to gain a greater understanding of its capabilities and exchange ideas with the people you meet.”
Walter Lloyd Perera
Partner Development Manager, TomTom
Seeking greener technology at ENGINEER & MARVEX
Seeking greener technology at ENGINEER & MARVEX
Engineering is the basis of all our growth in the country. I represent the Oil and Gas engineering council, and renewable energy is something new that we are looking into. But we are focusing more on reducing the carbon emission, and that is what we are hoping to see more of. We are hoping to see some technology that contributes towards better preserving the environment and maintaining sustainability. We also hope to see technology in support of the circular economy, which is a hot topic now, and also reducing waste.
Ir. A Rashid M Sidek
President Malaysian Oil and Gas Engineering Council
The Malaysian Navy forges key technology networks at ENGINEER & MARVEX
The Malaysian Navy forges key technology networks at ENGINEER & MARVEX
We are here to look for innovative, new technology for the navy, and we prefer locally developed technology. We also collaborate with a lot of shipyards, as we have a large fleet of ships and we find exhibitions such as this very useful with many relevant technologies, especially air-conditioning. It is a job well done to the organisers. We have engaged with many vendors and invited them to do some talks. The marine industry is big and our engineering core deals with things like this, and this is a huge opportunity for us. We have also invited our colleagues to attend.
Cdr. Mohd Sabri bin Ahmad & Cdr. TS Matthew R. Alexander
Engineers, Royal Malaysian Navy
IEM’s Engineer Business Cocktail: A night of celebration and networking
IEM’s Engineer Business Cocktail: A night of celebration and networking
IEM celebrated its members tonight in an exclusive Engineer Business Cocktail which doubled as a night that brought together the fraternity while commemorating its members in an Award Presentation of FIEM and best technical papers.
A total of 29 awards were given out amidst the cheers and applause of supporting members. 24 awards were bestowed on fellows of IEM, while 4 Best Technical awards and 1 Contribution Award were presented.
Ir. Bernard Lim, Chairman of The Institution of Engineers Malaysia, Penang Branch sees the importance of events such as ENGINEER in bringing together the multidisciplinary engineering faculty.
“The importance of events like this is not only to be able to obtain information of something new that is coming about, but to come together as a fraternity, understand each other professionally and eventually solve engineering problems together,” he said.
“The beauty of engineering is collaboration,” he added.
Ir. Bernard believes in moving forward, a wider variety of engineering disciplines will join the exhibition providing visitors a wider range of products and technology.
“It’s a good start. With the pandemic, there are limitations, from space to mobility. We are already in discussion to bring in the semiconductor industry next year,” he revealed.
There are more than 100,000 engineers in Malaysia but only about half are IEM members. Ir. Loh Ban Ho, Chairman, The Institution of Engineers Malaysia, Perak Branch, believes ENGINEER is a good platform to bring together all the engineers in an exhibition that can present all the technology that can be shared among all the engineers which is essential to the industry’s growth.
“We hope this can be done yearly as it is a very knowledgeable exhibition. One Engineer will not know another engineer’s knowledge and an exhibition such as this allows the knowledge sharing,” he said.
Ir. Loh hoped that moving forward the exhibition will be opened to students, as young as those still in school as he sees the need to inspire them from young and to spur an interest in the Engineering discipline.
“When they see the mindboggling innovation and technology, it will open their eyes to the possibilities. There is a decline of engineering students in the country and exhibitions like this could be a good starting point in creating more interest,” he elaborated.
RECAP: ASEAN Electrotechnical Symposium (DAY 2)
ASEAN ELECTROTECHNICAL SYMPOSIUM: Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure
The ASEAN Electrotechnical Symposium is a biennial event with frequent participation from around 600 engineering professionals, government officials and policy makers, standards organisations, manufacturers, suppliers and solution providers, as well as owners and operators from both domestic and ASEAN countries.
In 2022, the symposium was designed as a hybrid event, allowing people to attend both physically and virtually. This was an excellent strategy, as participants from anywhere in the world could attend despite travel restrictions due to the pandemic. This year’s event was attended by 150 physical and virtual participants.
On the second day, with the main theme of ‘Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure’ and sub-theme of ‘Electrical Standards to Build Resilient Electrical Infrastructure – Data Centre’, the symposium welcomed highly esteemed speakers including Prof. Saifur Rahman, who is the President-Elect of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), Dr. Tran Son Tranh from Electric Power University Vietnam (EPU), Dr. Florigo C. Varona (PTC) and Ir. Lee Yuen How from Institution of Engineering and Technology (IET).
Under the sub-theme of ‘Policies to Ensure Access to Affordable and Reliable Energy – Renewable Energy’, the participants enjoyed talks and meaningful sharing by Ir. Mohd Zamti bin Laton from Sustainable Energy Development Authority (SEDA) Malaysia, Dato’ (Dr.) Ir. Muhammad Guntor Mansor Tobeng, Vice President of Malaysian Photovoltaic Industry Association (MPIA), and Mr. Houmpanh Vongphachanch from the Ministry of Energy and Mines, Laos.
Finally, the Forum on Electrical Standards for Special Locations’ featured lively and informative discussions by Ir. Chin Lee Tuck from Pertubuhan Ukur Jurutera & Arkitek (PUJA), Ir. Dr. Fatimah Ibrahim from the Institution of Engineers, Malaysia (IEM) and Mr Prasitt Hemwarapornchai, who is the Vice Chairman of Symphony Communication PCL, Thailand.
All in all, the participants went home satisfied with what they had learnt from the leaders of their industry and all the updates on professional standards. They look forward to the next event, where they can hopefully meet face to face again to network with like-minded professionals from among their peers.
The Malaysian Navy forges key technology networks at ENGINEER & MARVEX
The Malaysian Navy forges key technology networks at ENGINEER & MARVEX
We are here to look for innovative, new technology for the navy, and we prefer locally developed technology. We also collaborate with a lot of shipyards, as we have a large fleet of ships and we find exhibitions such as this very useful with many relevant technologies, especially air-conditioning. It is a job well done to the organisers. We have engaged with many vendors and invited them to do some talks. The marine industry is big and our engineering core deals with things like this, and this is a huge opportunity for us. We have also invited our colleagues to attend.
Cdr. Mohd Sabri bin Ahmad & Cdr. TS Matthew R. Alexander
Engineers, Royal Malaysian Navy
IEM’s Engineer Business Cocktail: A night of celebration and networking
IEM’s Engineer Business Cocktail: A night of celebration and networking
IEM celebrated its members tonight in an exclusive Engineer Business Cocktail which doubled as a night that brought together the fraternity while commemorating its members in an Award Presentation of FIEM and best technical papers.
A total of 29 awards were given out amidst the cheers and applause of supporting members. 24 awards were bestowed on fellows of IEM, while 4 Best Technical awards and 1 Contribution Award were presented.
Ir. Bernard Lim, Chairman of The Institution of Engineers Malaysia, Penang Branch sees the importance of events such as ENGINEER in bringing together the multidisciplinary engineering faculty.
“The importance of events like this is not only to be able to obtain information of something new that is coming about, but to come together as a fraternity, understand each other professionally and eventually solve engineering problems together,” he said.
“The beauty of engineering is collaboration,” he added.
Ir. Bernard believes in moving forward, a wider variety of engineering disciplines will join the exhibition providing visitors a wider range of products and technology.
“It’s a good start. With the pandemic, there are limitations, from space to mobility. We are already in discussion to bring in the semiconductor industry next year,” he revealed.
There are more than 100,000 engineers in Malaysia but only about half are IEM members. Ir. Loh Ban Ho, Chairman, The Institution of Engineers Malaysia, Perak Branch, believes ENGINEER is a good platform to bring together all the engineers in an exhibition that can present all the technology that can be shared among all the engineers which is essential to the industry’s growth.
“We hope this can be done yearly as it is a very knowledgeable exhibition. One Engineer will not know another engineer’s knowledge and an exhibition such as this allows the knowledge sharing,” he said.
Ir. Loh hoped that moving forward the exhibition will be opened to students, as young as those still in school as he sees the need to inspire them from young and to spur an interest in the Engineering discipline.
“When they see the mindboggling innovation and technology, it will open their eyes to the possibilities. There is a decline of engineering students in the country and exhibitions like this could be a good starting point in creating more interest,” he elaborated.
WHAT the ENGINEER and MARVEX ACMV&R Excellence Award Winners have to say
The ENGINEER Excellence Award and MARVEX ACMV&R Excellence Award recognises and celebrates outstanding product design and efficiency for a nominated product and/or service from participating exhibitors. A panel of industry-led professionals, attesting to technological capabilities and statutory compliance, will judge all nominations. Winning products and solutions will be available for your viewing and demonstration at ENGINEER and MARVEX.

ENGINEER Excellence Award Winners
Click on the photos to view at full-size
“Thank you very much for giving us this award, we are more than happy to receive it. As fuel prices increase and the greater awareness built around climate change, this award gave voice to the value of electronic vehicles by BMW.”
Pacco Loo
Sales Manager
“We feel excellent to have the team’s effort to be recognised through this award. It’s a good start for us to confidently sell our products.
This award helps us to approach our customers confidently as the award helps us to establish our credibility in the market.”
Brand Manager
Sunlighten Malaysia Sdn Bhd
World’s smallest plotter, that prints as big as you think
Are you an engineer or construction professional? Get HP Designjet Studio Large Format printer so you can print big, fast and still conserve energy. It’s carbon neutral and with HP Smart App, you can print virtually from anywhere.
“First of all, we are very happy to be recognised. In fact, we know our product is innovative and as the first and possibly only manufacturer for electromechanical tools to solve the issues that come from using a manual crimping tool”
“Winning this award helps us create strong brand awareness. This allows us to take-off our product to greater heights by leveraging on the recognition we received”
Ammir Iylia
Sales Manager
Emerson Professional
“It is an honour for us to receive this award recognising our innovative solution for home lift needs. Our market is a niche one, by winning this award, it helps us get better exposure for our products.”
Kevin Chung Tshun Vui
Senior Sales Engineer
“We are proud and happy that despite the challenges, MARVEX 2022 & ENGINEER 2022 managed to take place. We appreciate being part of this event organised by C.I.S and supported by IEM.”
“This achievement is not only valuable to Terasaki but it is also important for decision-making engineers and developers because this award proves the quality of our Tembreak Pro.”
“With this recognition, we believe this means that the product will be more widely accepted and as a result, more customers will enjoy greater performance within their system”
YK Koh
Marketing & Sales Key Acc. Manager

MARVEX ACMV&R Excellence Award Winners
Click on the photos to view at full-size
“We are extremely excited and proud as an ActivePure Technology company and on top of that, over half a million of our Aerus Pure and Clean has been sold worldwide. During the times of the pandemic, this product has helped many families, employees and service members from around the world to ensure they have an extra layer of protection. So, we couldn’t be anymore prouder to be recognised at the MARVEX 2022 & ENGINEER 2022 show. Thank you for recognising the technology that keeps people safe every day.”
Anil A Grawal
Vice President, International
Sales & Operations
“The Astrocube is part of a new series and this recognition has given good exposure to our target market. It is an honour to have our product to be recognised. We can add this award to our marketing materials and business proposals to add value and credibility to potential customers and collaborators”
Yew Yang Yik
Engineer, Plan & Spec
AAF International
“I am very excited because our design is the first of its kind design in Malaysia and South East Asia. Our R290 Green Air Conditioner does its part to keep homes and offices cool without depleting the ozone layer or adding on to the global warming potential. I am happy that the award from MARVEX 2022 recognises our innovative and environmentally friendly product.”
Ferdinand Ng
“We are honoured and we would like to thank all parties involved especially MARVEX & MACRA and the judges for this recognition. As a company that has been known as the number one major appliances manufacturer, this accolade reaffirms our position in the market. We are proud to have our technology recognised for its energy efficiency and innovation.”
Leong Har Wai
Assistant Director
“This award puts our product on the world stage as a superior heat recovery ventilation system. Lossnay is derived from the Japanese word that translates to “No Loss” which is what we intend for our customers to experience from using our system.”
Siah Kea Joe
Assistant Project Sales Manager
ACS Project Sales
“First of all, thank you MARVEX for recognising MIDEA’s MagBoost Magnetic Bearing Centrifugal Chiller, it is such a huge acknowledgement for our product’s innovation. The back compressor which is patented by MIDEA International offers one of the highest efficiency that is recognised by the ACMV&R industry”
“This award has a huge impact for us in the chiller industry and even within MIDEA itself because the product awareness is still in its infancy. With this award, we are not only showing the other exhibitors (even our competitors) and the Malaysian market that MIDEA produces highly efficient chillers. It’s my hope this recognition will help boost our sales dealings in the future”
Muhamad Nurshafiq
Application Engineer
MIDEA Scott & English Electronics Sdn Bhd
Air-conds are warming up the world, but this one won’t
Evo Air, the world’s first hybrid, eco-friendly air-conditioning system, not only cools indoors, but releases cooler, moisturised air into the environment, improving humidity levels.
Malaysia: Fully Committed to Becoming Carbon Neutral by 2050
Malaysia: Fully Committed to Becoming Carbon Neutral by 2050
ENGINEER & MARVEX 2022 is an excellent platform to showcase our Malaysian as well as overseas products. I’m happy to say we can see a large variety of technologies, innovations and advancements all across the engineering industries.
Now we are working towards raising awareness about the UN SDGs and sustainable development. We need the technologies to accelerate our efforts to reach our SDG targets. At present, reducing our carbon footprint and increasing energy efficiency are becoming increasingly important. This kind of event will support the government’s efforts towards increasing the use of renewable energy.
We have advanced significantly in the renewable energy sector. Among the ASEAN countries, we are one of the leaders in this sector. The government is also committed to becoming carbon neutral by 2050, an economy with net-zero greenhouse gas emissions, which would be a game changer.
Next year, we need to expand and get more international exhibitors to come. I’m sure when we open our borders, we will have a larger exhibition. We hope to welcome more exhibitors and visitors from the US, Europe, Korea and Japan, to name just a few.
We already have engineering excellence locally, and now we can expand to be a regional hub for ASEAN, the Asia-Pacific, and the world. We have the potential and facilities to hold this kind of large-scale event.
When asked what was the one word to describe engineering, Abdul Razid said it was ‘sacrifice’. Engineers sacrificed by working very hard behind the scenes to ensure everything functioned smoothly. Engineers do not work for the limelight, but we work for other people to enjoy a better quality of life.
Abdul Razid bin Dawood, CEO of Suruhanjaya Tenaga
"this is necessary to bring people together, to bring together industries, consultants, players, stakeholders and everyone that is involved"
Click on the photos to view at full-size
The expo is very interesting and there are a lot of exhibitors. I did not get a chance to see everything, so I definitely will return tomorrow. This cocktail is a game-changer, we have not had this in a long while, especially under IEM. People are mingling and there is positivity in the air. The Engineering fraternity has not met in the past two years, and this is necessary to bring people together, to bring together industries, consultants, players, stakeholders and everyone that is involved.
Ir. Tejinder Sing
Advisor/Past Chairman, Information and Communications Technology Special Interest Group, Committee Member CESIG/EETD and IEM Member
The exhibition is quite good. We have obtained some leads, some potential, and we look forward to next year. Hopefully there will be more visitors then.
Freddie Lee
Marketing Manager, LEO Pump Engineering (M) Sdn Bhd
This is a very successful exhibition, so kudos to C.I.S and IEM. The environment is very good, fantastic. We managed to get some good leads. We are suppliers, so we are happy to share our product knowledge. One interesting thing is seeing all the other technology available which we were never aware of before this.
Esther Chan
Project Sales Executive, Terasaki Electric (M) Sdn Bhd
featured: midea
Taking Midea to the Next Level in ENGINEER & MARVEX
Click on the photos to view at full-size
Moving into the next level, Midea is unique because they bring in the future.
“We’ve been in trade shows for about 10 years, and every time I come into this kind of exhibition, I see more and more brands. I hope I will see more brands like Midea, which have incorporated green and sustainable technology into their products. In full support of the UN SDGs, Midea hopes to actively contribute to a greener and cleaner world. We hope more visitors will visit our exhibition stand every year, as we will always have new products to showcase, such as the Midea self-developed Magnetic Bearing Centrifugal Chiller, which has a longer lifespan and superior cost-effectiveness that will yield energy savings of up to 40%,” said Ng Kong Chin, President of Midea Scott & English Electronics (MSEE).
Mr. Ng added, “I’m also happy because we have successfully organised the First Midea International HVAC Design Contest in 2021. We are very happy that we have attracted a fair number of professional engineers, contractors and students to join it.”
The first Midea HVAC Design Contest was held in China in 2002, while the first time the contest was brought to Malaysia was in 2021. The objective of this contest is to contribute to the development of the HVAC industry. By providing a public platform for HVAC consultants, designers, institute staff and students, Midea hopes to be a catalyst to develop talents and to encourage the creation of high-quality design works for the industry.
The award winners were very excited to receive their prizes. The winners were as follows:
- Design Expert Award (Student): Ng Keng Seng, University Malaya (UM)
- Design Expert Award (Student): Nur Nabilah bt. Mohd. Ishak, Universiti Teknikal Melaka (UTeM)
- Excellence Design Award (Distribution): Poon Nik Zen, TT Energy Sdn Bhd
- Bronze Pencil Award (Professional): Hor Poh Ming, HPM Consultant Sdn Bhd & Hotayi Electronics (M) Sdn Bhd
- Golden Pencil Award (Professional): Au Chong Hun, Primetech Engineers Sdn Bhd
MSEE then proceeded to launch the Second Midea International HVAC Design Contest.
“We look forward to seeing more students joining the contest, as we feel the industry is lacking in talent. With the opportunity we provide through this contest, more and more students will have the chance to have on-the-job experience and get excited about becoming what I like to call an ‘Air-Con Professional’. Working together with MACRA and IEM, we hope to make Malaysia a more international player in this industry. It’s one of the ways we can contribute back to society and the industry,” said Ng.
“Today, we are here because we desire to improve the industry. Don’t let anybody knock you down with negativity. Your positivity, drive, determination is all that matters. I’m happy that the contest has expanded to include more countries in the Asia Pacific, EU, Latin America and the Middle East in 2022. Thanks to Midea for supporting the industry to accelerate its growth,” said Mr. Peter Tan, President of MACRA.
When asked about his experience at the exhibition, Mr. Ng said, “I thought that due to the pandemic, we wouldn’t have many visitors, but I’m happy that a lot of professional visitors came to our exhibition stand. The SOPs here at the event are great. Everybody is wearing a mask. We are all doing our part to beat the virus”.
Swift takes mobility to a whole new level
Click on the photos to view at full-size
Swift Home Lifts is creating ease of mobility for the elderly and wheel-chair bound via its Flex Step, a staircase that converts magically into an elevation platform creating ease of movement between varying levels.
With a maximum height capability of 1.25m, the Flex Step works on a single-phase power supply to convert into a platform that allows a wheel-chair user to be transported to the next floor level. It is suitable for buildings with higher entrance or in spaces with different floor levels, eliminating the need to prepare wheel-chair ramps.
“This is a two-in-one solution, as it can also be used as a staircase, and it is energy efficient and made from recyclable material. We brought it into Malaysia in December last year, and it won an award at the ARCHIDEX 2021,” Winson Teh Kean Wei Managing Director, Swift Home Lifts Sweden AB explained.
He added that at ENGINEER, Swift’s Home Lift won the ENGINEER Excellence Award, adding that both products had successfully attracted the attention of engineers and developers, largely interested in incorporating the product into designs for end-consumers.
“We have many queries on our lift, especially since it’s the first in the world to use Tesla’s battery technology with very low energy consumption,” he said.
Winson added that the networking potential and lead generation at the event was commendable.
recap: ASEAN Digital Transformation Symposium
ASEAN Engineering Digital Transformation Summit 2022 discusses digital disruption and the global engineering agenda
The ASEAN Engineering Digital Transformation Summit 2022 (EDX), an exclusive by-invitation only event, was officiated by Prof. Dr. Shahbaz Khan, Director of UNESCO Beijing, and Representative to China, DPRK, Japan, Mongolia and Republic of Korea.
The summit, curated by the engineering & technology experts from the various industries across the region, saw the gathering of 300 participants, discussing key topics topping the enterprise’s agenda. The summit aimed to equip business leaders to handle complexity and scale for the future, as digital disruption intensifies in all industries and perpetuates Industry 4.0 enabling technologies in the manufacturing sector.
Keynote speakers included Prof Gong Ke (President of WFEO), Academician Prof Huang Wei (President of FEIAP), Academician Dato’ Ir. Lee Yee Cheong (Honorary Chairman of ISTIC), Ir. Prof Dr Ewe Hong Tat (Secretary General of AAET) and other speakers representing organisations from Asia
The summit also provided a much-needed networking platform for the global engineering faculty to mingle with their peers. The event was co-organised by IEM, AEI-MFG Working Group, iSMARTC Huaqiao University (PRC), Chinese Mechanical Engineering Society (CMES).
recap: Water Resources Symposium
Water Hazards and Security – IR 4.0 Forum
STAND 6H134 | ROW – J
Organised by the Water Resources Technical Division of IEM, the Water Hazards and Security – IR 4.0 Forum was attended by around over 100 participants. The one-day forum focused on water hazards and security in IR 4.0.
The first half of the day started with Dato’ Seri Zaini Ujang rendering his keynote speech, followed by Dato’ Ir. Sabri bin Abdul Mulok Timbalan Ketua Pengarah (Sektor Bisnes), JPS Malaysia presenting the first paper entitled ‘Water Related Hazards – A New Paradigm Shift Towards Sustainability and Climate Change Resilience’. Next, Datuk Ir. Abdul Kadir Mohd Din from FASc presented on ‘Industrial Revolution 4.0 in Water Sector’. The final presentation for the morning was ‘Transformation of the Water Sector by 2040 (WST2040) – Setting the Right Direction’ by Dr. Salmah Zakaria, FASc.
The second half of the day consisted of a forum moderated by Dato’ Ir. Mohd Azmi Bin Ismail, Former Deputy Director General, Department of Irrigation & Drainage Malaysia, and IEM Council Member & Advisor to WRTD. The panel members were Dr. Ching Thoo A/L Kim, Ministry of Environment & Water, Puan Geetha P Kumaran, Malaysian Stormwater Organisation, Datin Prof. Ir. Dr. Lariyah Binti Mohd Sidek, Malaysian National Committee on Large Dams, Ir. Ts. Dr. Hj. Mohmad Asari Daud, Malaysian Water Association and Prof. Dr. Zulkifli bin Yusop, Academy of Sciences Malaysia. The main topic discussed was ‘Driving a Shift to Sustainable Dam Safety’. The forum also discussed other related topics.
Packing a punch on energy storage
Packing a punch on energy storage
STAND 6H134 | ROW – J
ENGINEER’s industry sharing today featured an interesting knowledge-sharing session by Huawei Smart’s Solution Director, James Lee Chung Min. Speaking on the future of energy storage systems, he addressed numerous queries from a packed audience.
“Solar PV is pitted as a secondary source of energy generation but with energy storage, solar PV and renewable energy could become a main source of energy generation,” he explained.
The industry sharing session facilitated an active discussion of the topic, with the audience raising issues on the grid stability from usage of renewable energy, while a member of the audience from Sarawak asked about the potential of using micro-grids in areas with accessibility issues.
James was amazed by the level of technology on display at the exhibition. He applauded the efforts of the organisers in bringing together the industry to showcase technology and present information for all engineers in Malaysia. He believed this was a good platform for all engineers to update their knowledge on what’s happening in a global context.
Celebrating the opportunity to reconnect at MACRA Members’ Nite
MACRA’s members were treated to a night of mingling and networking as they clinked glasses and welcomed the opportunity to reconnect after two years.
There were many stories to tell of how the HVAC industry has become the hero of the day as ventilation, filtration and refrigeration rise to prominence post-pandemic, owing to the mandatory indoor air quality requirements.
Business or pleasure, the night was full of chatter and happiness, to finally be able to meet in person, charting a new beginning post pandemic.
“This event has been eye-opening because I am seeing so many innovative products on display here. I am glad I took the opportunity to attend the ENGINEER & MARVEX 2022 exhibition. I was impressed by the Covid-19 Aircond Filter from GA Sales & Service. I think it’s an excellent product as we move into the endemic phase and place greater importance to safeguarding our health”
Jacquelyne Anne Boudeville
Mechanical Engineer